What is culture?
How do you define it for your franchised group?
A few weeks ago, I visited clients at their home (which was beautifully clean) and we were working away for a while on my laptop. The sun was shining… and shining on my laptop screen. Oops, very dirty and very embarrassing. I looked around the room to see if there were any tissues to wipe the screen but didn’t see any, so I continued to work and talk to the client. After a few minutes, my client got up, and without saying anything, got some tissues and handed them to me. Oh, the relief of having that screen clean. And the embarrassment disappeared.
If you see something that is out of place, or dirty, you can be guaranteed that your clients will see it as well. It is a reflection on you, your team, your business, your product or service.
Put in place a system to check everything in your business once a week. Your team and customers will thank you for it.
It may not be Spring, however, your customers see everything regardless of the season. It does make a difference and it just might make you some more income for the business.
By Linda Steele